Sunday, May 29, 2005
Reunion over a Duck
It's been over a year, but that is no time for old friends. Ep and Ken discovered a common link in Liverpool, where Ep taught from '69 to '72. It was at Blackburn House School, Liverpool where Edwina Currie had been Head Girl. Ken applied for (but didn't get) the Margaret Bryce Scholarship, to the partner school, the "Institute", he said it was harder than a fiendish Sudoku puzzle. We had spit-roasted duck with orange sauce.
Felix, Judith & Simon Visit on Saturday
Looking for tadpoles in the garden at Addington. The family had just come from the Steam Roller exhibition at Victoria Park. They came by bus and Ep picked them up at Finsbury Park. Fi was fascinated by the Russian Doll and arranging the dolls' house furniture. Judith was loving the hot weather, at last!
They were on their way for a meal at Coolhurst Road, with Paul (a friend from Cameroon) and his Mother.