Friday, May 27, 2005

Spanish Fiesta

On Friday evening we were invited to a Spanish fiesta in Wanstead. This was the final celebration following Ep's last day at work on Thursday. There were over 100 people there - mostly students from Ep's workplace. Tapas, flamenco and salsa and a chance to get up and dance. Bob met an old salsa partner there and they led the salsa dancing at the end of the evening. There may be photos to follow courtesy of Michele. We forgot to take the camera - big mistake. On the way home we called in at Norman's. It was about midnight but that did not bother Norman - he was up and playing the host out in his back garden. It was a lovely warm evening.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Sudoku with Java

I've got to tell you, to boast! There's a kind of logic game-puzzle, called Sudoku which is printed in the Independent - a 9x9 matrix of cells, some of them filled in with numbers from 1 to 9. You have to fill in the rest such that no rows or columns or subsidiary 3x3 blocks contain numbers the same. I have just written a recursive program, in Java, which gives a solution. I've been doing it for 3 days. Finally I got it working - at 3 a.m. last night!
I don't know why, but it does get to be an obsession. Programming requires precision and exactitude, a comma, a missed semi-colon and the thing wont work. The paradox is that I'm such a bodger. Why do I love forcing myself to adhere to such strict rules?

Monday, May 23, 2005

Bob's daughter Selma and family

This photo was sent to us by Jonathan - the proud father of Inigo and new born baby Otto. All looking amazingly well, especially Selma.
family Posted by Hello

Fancy dress

For those of you who were wondering, this photo was taken just a few days before the birth. It was a sports theme and Selma went as a tennis ball.
Party Posted by Hello

hand Posted by Hello

Baby Otto

Bob hasn't got round to writing anything about these photos. I put it down to the shock of being a Grandad again. Anyway, we were down in Brighton to see the new baby Otto (at just 3 days old). What a bit of luck because he was having a little moment of reflection about his new status in life. I can't believe how well these came out.
Otto4 Posted by Hello

3 days old Posted by Hello

Otto3 Posted by Hello

Otto Zephyr

You can't see from the pictures but Otto is actually resting on his Dad's legs (see the Jeans). It makes him look so grown up. Otto was 8lbs 4oz and delivered by Caesarian section.
Otto2 Posted by Hello

Jonathan shows Ep Posted by Hello

Otto1 Posted by Hello